Paleo weight loss

Paleo weight loss

RATATOUILLE Ratatouille is a classic vegetable dish that’s pretty Paleo on its own—all I had to do to make it 100 percent was to skip the Parmesan cheese usually found sprinkled between the layers of vegetables. This dish can be as rustic or as fancy as you want; I’ve...
Paleo diet plan

Paleo diet plan

PAD THAI I can almost never say no to pad thai, but there’s not very much that’s Paleo about it. Sure, it’s mostly gluten-free, but the peanut sauce and rice noodles don’t make for a very primal-friendly meal. After a few too many orders of Thai takeout, I finally...
Paleo diet food list

Paleo diet food list

EMERGENCY PASTA WITH ZOODLES I grew up eating “Emergency Pasta,” which is the nickname my grandpa Albino gave to the classic recipe more commonly known as aglio, olio, e pepperoncini, which most Italians have in their arsenal of quick recipes. My grandfather referred...
Paleo diet meal plan

Paleo diet meal plan

BAKED ZUCCHINI FRIES I grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, a little city; so if franchises like Starbucks came to town, it was always a Big Deal. When a Carrabba’s Italian Grill opened in 2001, my high school girlfriends and I would go there for fun weekend lunches (it was...
Paleo foods

Paleo foods

STEAMED BROCCOLI WITH HOLLANDAISE Hollandaise is one of my favorite sauces, and probably the reason I order eggs Benedict any time I’m out to brunch. Often, I don’t think to serve it over anything other than a poached egg, but broccoli does a great job holding up to...