Paleo diet meal plan

Paleo diet meal plan

BAKED ZUCCHINI FRIES I grew up in Roanoke, Virginia, a little city; so if franchises like Starbucks came to town, it was always a Big Deal. When a Carrabba’s Italian Grill opened in 2001, my high school girlfriends and I would go there for fun weekend lunches (it was...
Paleo foods

Paleo foods

STEAMED BROCCOLI WITH HOLLANDAISE Hollandaise is one of my favorite sauces, and probably the reason I order eggs Benedict any time I’m out to brunch. Often, I don’t think to serve it over anything other than a poached egg, but broccoli does a great job holding up to...
Easy paleo recipes

Easy paleo recipes

ROASTED BROCCOLI WITH LEMON This is by far my favorite way to cook broccoli—roasting it makes it delightfully crispy and flavorful. I’m a big fan of garlic and lemon together, especially when it comes to roasted green veggies (I like making Brussels sprouts and green...
Paleo diet rules

Paleo diet rules

PANTRY BASIC: HOMEMADE NUT BUTTER Almond butter (and other nut butters) are such a great staple to have in your fridge—and you can easily make your own to ensure that you aren’t consuming any hidden sugars or oils. I actually will make peanut butter for my dog (not...
Paleo diet recipes

Paleo diet recipes

CRUSTLESS BROCCOLI TORTE This crustless broccoli torte is kind of like a casserole, except that the eggs aren’t the main ingredient the way they are in a more traditional breakfast casserole. The star of this show is broccoli, and here it is mixed with artichoke...