Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake

SERVES 16-24 Ingredients 2ВЅ cups almond flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1ВЅ teaspoons ground cinnamon ВЅ teaspoon ground nutmeg ВЅ teaspoon salt в…› teaspoon ground cloves 4 large eggs 2 cups palm sugar ВЅ cup coconut oil 1 pound carrots,...
Vanilla Icebox Cookies

Vanilla Icebox Cookies

MAKES 48 COOKIES Ingredients 2Вј cups almond flour ВЅ teaspoon salt 1 cup coconut oil, softened 1Вј cups palm sugar 2 large egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Preparation 1.В В Whisk flour and salt together in a medium bowl. 2.В В In a separate large bowl, beat the...
Chocolate Icebox Cookies

Chocolate Icebox Cookies

MAKES 48 COOKIES Ingredients 2 cups almond flour Вј cup cacao powder ВЅ teaspoon salt 1 cup coconut oil, softened 1Вј cup palm sugar 2 large egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 ounces melted and cooled cacao nibs Preparation 1.В В Whisk flour, cacao powder, and...
Pine Nut-Raisin Icebox Cookies

Pine Nut-Raisin Icebox Cookies

MAKES 48 COOKIES Ingredients 2Вј cups almond flour Вј cup salted and toasted pine nuts or pistachios Вј cup raisins ВЅ teaspoon salt 1 cup coconut oil, softened 1Вј cup palm sugar 2 large egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Preparation 1.В В Whisk flour, pine nuts,...
Lunchbox Brownies

Lunchbox Brownies

MAKES 16 BROWNIES Ingredients 8 tablespoons coconut oil 3 ounces cacao nibs в…” cup almond flour ВЅ teaspoon baking powder Вј teaspoon salt 1 cup palm sugar 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ВЅ cup pecans or walnuts, toasted and chopped Coconut oil for greasing...