Fire-roasted salsa

Fire-roasted salsa

Salsas make me happy. Really good salsas with a kick make me really happy. This is one of those salsas that makes me really happy. Let it be known that our tastes for heat may differ from yours. Meaning: things with a slight kick are very palatable to me. But for some...
Chunky guacamole

Chunky guacamole

Yes, I could eat guacamole as a main course all by itself on any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Hard to believe I couldn’t stand the stuff growing up! A while back, when I was on vacation with friends in Mazatlan, Mexico (I like to call it the Jersey Shore of...
Basic salsa

Basic salsa

As a child, my vegetables of choice (meaning the only ones I really ate) were peas, corn, and of course ketchup (or tomato sauce). I remember trying to force myself to eat raw tomatoes once in college, and the consequences were not pretty. Real salsa wasn’t part of my...
Paleo spiced nuts

Paleo spiced nuts

Mark my words: you can never make too much of this recipe. When we host gatherings—such as our annual croquet tournament—we love whipping up some of these spiced nuts for friends to snack on. Not only does the house smell amazing with the aromas of toasted nuts,...


Big things often come in small packages. These sliders pack a flavorful punch that is sure to be enjoyed by all. This recipe can be written dozens of ways, depending on your various condiment preferences. The best thing about these paleo-friendly offerings is that you...