Makes 12 servings
• 4 ripe nectarines
• 2 C cherries, pitted
• ¾ C water
• 1 Tbsp almond extract
You probably love fruit snacks. I know we did. Fruit snacks were one of the things we were very sad to find out wasn’t really a food a dinosaur would eat, since the store brands have lots of sugar and chemicals in them. What we learned is that you can make them at home in a much healthier way!
This roll up flavor is tangy like a cherry, and a fun and natural bright red. This is definitely a snack you might catch your parents eating when you’re not looking! And since you can store these almost anywhere, it’s a great snack to keep in the car, sports bag, or snack box for school.
• 4 peaches, very ripe
• 2 ripe bananas
• ¾ C water
• 1 Tbsp vanilla
This roll up flavor is made with bananas and peaches and is very sweet and flavorful. Out of all the kinds we’ve made, this is Cole’s absolute favorite.
Ask your farmer for a discount on a big box of fruit; bruised and over ripe fruit are perfect for this recipe.
1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees
2. Special Tools: Dehydrator (optional but recommended)
3. Allergens: No allergens in recipe ingredients
4. Blanch stone fruit in pot of boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
5. Immediately place fruit in an ice water bath.
6. Peel skin off, cut in half, and remove pits.
7. Place peeled halves with other fruit and water in medium sauce pan and bring to boil over medium heat.
8. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, using a potato masher every 5-10 minutes to break up and soften the fruit.
9. When finished cooking, add flavor extract and blend until smooth.
10. Pour onto baking sheet lined with a silicone mat or plastic wrap (we recommend the plastic sheet of your dehydrator if you have one).
11. Use a spatula to add thickness to the edges—the edges will dry too fast if they are not slightly thicker than the center (slightly thicken about 30% of the width at the edges).
12. Bake at 170 degrees for 10-12 hours (watch your pan as you near the finish, your edges may finish cooking first) or dehydrate for 8 hours.
13. Use a pizza cutter to segment the fruit leather into the size of your choosing.
14. Lay out on parchment or wax paper, roll up, and store in an airtight container.