Minty Melon Sorbet

This Minty Melon Sorbet is a cool, satisfying treat on a hot day! It is best enjoyed in the summer when melon is in season and extra juicy. The mint and thyme add a zesty, herbal flavor to the sweet melon and taste delicious when this frosty dessert hits your lips. This recipe is versatile; try blending it with ice for a sorbet-inspired smoothie variation.

Serves 3–4

• 2 cups melon (watermelon, honeydew, or cantaloupe)
• Juice of 2 oranges
• 3 tablespoons water
• 2 tablespoons raw organic honey
• 4–5 sprigs fresh mint, chopped (plus extra for garnish, if desired)
• 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped
• Pinch lime zest

1. Blend the melon in a food processor until it reaches a somewhat smooth consistency. In a medium sauce pot, combine all the other ingredients over medium heat. Stir frequently, and let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool. Add the orange mixture to the puréed melon in the food processor and blend until smooth.

2. Place all the ingredients into an ice cream maker. If you do not have access to an ice cream maker, pour the mixture onto a clean metal baking sheet and freeze until it sets. Add it to a food processor again once frozen, with a splash of water to help purée it to a smooth mixture. Enjoy with fresh sprigs of mint as a garnish.