Properly grilling a good steak is a skill all primal meat eaters should perfect. Grilled steak is quick and easy to prepare, has little waste, and remains a familiar favorite for many people. When you make steak, try to have the majority of your dinner already prepped and ready to serve to avoid last-minute distractions and possibly overcooking the meat.


Defrost steaks (if frozen) in a shallow dish in the refrigerator (may take 1–2 days) covered, or in a plastic bag in a bowl of cold water (for a few hours).

Pat the steaks dry with a paper towel. Rub both sides of the steak with salt and pepper. Let the steaks sit at room temperature to take the chill off while the grill preheats.


• Steaks 1–1 ½ inches thick, from tender cuts (NY Strip/Top Loin, Rib or Ribeye, Tenderloin/Filet Mignon, Sirloin/Sirloin Tip, Top Round, London Broil, Tri-Tip, T-bone, Porterhouse)
• Coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
• Minced garlic and herbs (optional)

1. Gas Grills: Turn gas on high to burn off residual cooking debris and grease while preheating. Use a wire BBQ grate brush if necessary to remove sticky or thick residue. Turn one gas burner down to medium-high setting and turn all other burners off.

2. Charcoal Grills: Light charcoal and burn until briquettes are covered with ash and glowing inside. Using a long-handled BBQ tool, rake hot coals to one side to create a direct heat side and an indirect heat side.

3. Place steaks to sear on preheated grill grates over the direct heat for about 2–3 minutes, with the lid closed. To make attractive grill marks and prevent sticking, avoid moving steaks once they hit the grill.

4. Open the lid and use tongs to flip the steaks. Cook the second side for about 2–3 minutes.

5. Move steaks to a grill area over the indirect heat side, close the lid, and leave undisturbed until steaks are 120–140°F internal temperature (rare to medium-rare). Depending on steak thickness, this usually takes about 10–25 minutes. Use a thermometer or the “touch” method to determine doneness.

6. When done, remove steaks to a warmed platter and cover with a piece of foil (tented) for 5–10 minutes, so the juices will redistribute within the meat. If you cut into the meat too early, you’ll lose too much juice.

7. Less tender cuts such as the London Broil, Top Round, and sometimes Sirloin are best cut into thin slices across the grain before serving.

8. The “Touch” Method

9. Determine meat doneness like a grilling professional—press the meat surface lightly and quickly with your index fingertip. If the steak feels soft like your cheek hollow, it is cooked rare; if it feels like your chin pad, it’s medium-rare; if it is firm like your nose-tip, it’s cooked medium; if it is very firm like your forehead, it’s well done and you’ve overcooked your steak.