Crispy curried sweet potato coins

If you’re looking for a “fancier” way to prepare sweet potatoes, this is the recipe for you! By tossing the sliced potatoes in a “breading” of coconut or almond flour and mixing in your favorite spices, you can make this recipe a bit differently every time. Try different cooking fats as well for a varied flavor profile.


10 minutes


20-30 minutes


Approximately 4 servings


2 sweet potatoes, peeled

1/2 cup almond flour or sifted
coconut flour

2 tablespoons Curry Spice Blend or other Spice Blend (recipe here)

1-2 eggs, beaten (use 2 if you have very large sweet potatoes)

1/4 cup or more of bacon fat,
coconut oil, or ghee



Simply dust the sweet potato coins with a smaller amount of the flour and spice blend, and pan-fry or bake as desired.


If you prefer to bake your sweet potato coins, combine the egg, flour mixture, and cooking fat together to create a batter. Dip each coin, and then place on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Cook in the oven for approximately 20-30 minutes at 350°F or until they are golden brown on the outside and fork-tender.







Slice the sweet potatoes into 1/4-inch coins. Place them onto a baking sheet, and set aside.

With a fork or whisk, combine almond or sifted coconut flour and the spice blend in a bowl. Set up a “station” and dip the sweet potato coins into the egg, then the flour mixture. After completing each coin, set them back onto the baking sheet.

Place a large skillet over medium heat, and melt the cooking fat. Use enough to cover the bottom of the skillet completely. Place the “breaded” sweet potato coins into the skillet, and allow them to cook for approximately 2-3 minutes per side or until golden brown. Add more fat to the skillet as needed so that the level remains constant.

Remove the potatoes from the skillet as they are finished, and replace them in the skillet with more until the entire batch is done.