Prosciutto-Wrapped Pork Chops with Peach Sauce

Prosciutto is one of my favorite ingredients. It gives these pork chops a deep, salty flavor and goes beautifully with the peach sauce! Be sure you don’t skip the step of broiling the chops for a few minutes when they come out of the cooker. It’ll crisp up that prosciutto nicely!

Prep time 15 minutes
Serves 6

11/2 teaspoons sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
4 cloves garlic, minced
Pinch of red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon avocado oil
6 thick-cut pork chops
12 slices prosciutto
1 pound (455 g) fresh or frozen peach slices
1/4 cup (60 ml) chicken or vegetable broth

1 In a small bowl, combine the salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic, pepper flakes, and oil to form a paste. Rub the paste on both sides of each pork chop.
2 Cover each pork chop with two slices of prosciutto. Drape each piece over the top and sides—it’s not necessary to cover the bottoms.
3 Put half of the peach slices and the broth in the bottom of a 6-quart (5.7 liter) slow cooker. Arrange the pork chops in a single layer over the peaches, packing them tightly if necessary. If you are using frozen peaches, leave the remaining peaches on the counter in a bowl to thaw.
4 Cover and cook for 6 hours on low.
5 Preheat the broiler. Transfer the chops to a rimmed baking sheet and cover them to keep warm. If the frozen peaches are still cold, place them on the baking sheet as well. Broil for 5 to 10 minutes, until the prosciutto crisps up a bit. Transfer the chops to a serving platter and dice the warm peaches.
6 Blend the peaches and juices together in the pot, preferably using an immersion blender. Stir in the diced peaches.
7 Serve the pork chops with the peach sauce.