Mushroom, Roasted Pepper & Olive Tapenade

This dip is great served as an appetizer or a snack with raw, crunchy vegetable sticks or baked vegetable chips. They are also delicious served as a condiment with fish or chicken.

Makes 2 cups

Total Prep Time: 30 minutes


1 cup button mushrooms, halved

1 red pepper

½ cup pitted black olives

2 tablespoons fresh parsley or thyme

2 cloves garlic, peeled

1 tablespoon lemon juice

½ cup extra virgin olive oil

sea salt and black pepper


Broil the red pepper whole, turning a few times, until the skin turns black. Transfer to a bowl and cover with cling wrap for a few minutes. Remove blackened skins, cut and seed.

In a food processor, pulse all ingredients until they have a coarse texture. Do not over process. It is best to let the flavors develop for at least half an hour before use.