Sweet Potato Ice Pops

Pops are fun but often loaded with sugar. Sweet-potato pops are a nutritious and less sweet alternative. Flavor and color make these treats perfect for summer days or to ward off the ice cream boogie monster. Kids and adults alike will not know this pop is so good for them.

Serves 6

1 cup mashed Satsumaimo sweet potato or yam

1 can coconut milk

½ can (6 oz) of pineapple concentrate

½ tsp salt

1 tsp orange zest

  1. To make purée: Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place medium Satsumaimo sweet potato or yam on baking sheet and bake for 1 hour or until easily pierced with a fork. Cool, scoop out flesh from skin. Discard skin. Purée flesh in food processor. (Mash can be made days ahead and refrigerated until ready to use.)
  2. Place 1 cup mash and remaining ingredients in blender. Cover and blend 10–15 seconds or until smooth. Pour into pop molds and freeze until solid, about 4 hours.