Braised rabbit

If you should ever have the chance to go on a rabbit hunt, I highly recommend it. The exhilaration of waiting for them to run out in front of you is something you need to witness firsthand. My first rabbit hunt was on Gene Hartman’s farm in east Tennessee. It was an especially cold morning and we were blessed with two inches of fresh snow. I had no idea what to expect. Then came the dogs . . . about twelve beagles. They move at a snail’s pace, tracking the rabbit and yelping the whole way. When they flush one, you are likely not ready for it, and it’s hard to be patient. You’re thinking that the rabbit has run off . . . but sure as the sun comes up it will be back.

I had never eaten rabbit before that day. We harvested seventeen on the hunt. A man’s got to figure out what to do with all that meat. Braising small game like rabbit is a surefire way to get it good and tender. If you’re not a rabbit hunter, check the Internet for stores in your area. We have a great spot in Marietta, Georgia, called the Cajun Meat Market. They have wonderful rabbit, quail, and sausage, and they are also the home of the famous Turducken.

¼ cup (60 mL) coconut oil
1 2- to 3-pound (1¼ kg) rabbit, quartered
2 cups (200 g) onions, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, minced
¼ teaspoon black pepper
2 cups (500 mL) chicken stock
2 teaspoons thyme, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ cup (60 mL) cold water

  1. Heat oil in large skillet. Place rabbit in skillet and brown on all sides.
  2. Remove rabbit and set aside on plate. Sauté onion and add in garlic until tender.
  3. Add pepper, stock, thyme, and bay leaf. Place rabbit back in pan and bring liquid to boil.
  4. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 35–45 minutes.
  5. Remove rabbit, onions, and garlic to serving platter.
  6. Mix coconut flour, lemon juice, and cold water until smooth. Stir in to pan sauce.
  7. Bring to boil. Simmer for 3–5 minutes stirring frequently.
  8. Once thickened, pour over rabbit and serve.

Variation—If you haven’t been able to book your rabbit hunt yet, chicken works really well in this recipe too.