Oven-roasted broccoli or cauliflower

Oftentimes, simplicity is best. This is one such recipe that plays on simplicity. I’ve had many a “I can’t stand broccoli or cauliflower” sort become a convert with this recipe. You won’t end up with mushy broccoli or cauliflower this way, and the caramelization along with the serious garlic flavor is pure tastiness.

3-4 large broccoli crowns
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
~ salt and pepper to taste
5–6 cloves fresh garlic, minced

  1. Adjust your oven rack to lowest position, and place a large rimmed baking sheet on rack, and heat oven to 500°F (260°C).
  2. Cut each crown into 4 to 6 big wedges.
  3. Place broccoli in a large bowl and drizzle with oil. Toss well until evenly coated. Sprinkle with salt and pepper along with garlic, and mix to combine.
  4. Working quickly, remove the baking sheet from the oven. Carefully transfer broccoli and all oil and garlic to the baking sheet and spread into even layer, placing flat sides down.
  5. Return baking sheet to oven and roast until stalks are well browned and tender and florets are lightly browned, 9 to 11 minutes.
  6. Transfer to serving dish and serve immediately.

Variation—If you’re using cauliflower for this recipe, set your oven to 450-475 (230-245). A nice sprinkling of cumin or any of your favorite seasonings adds some great flavor.

Ingredients—If you’re rushed for time, buy one of those bags of broccoli or cauliflower florets. If you’re using cauliflower for this recipe, set your oven to 450–475F° (230–245C°).

Tips & Tricks—The cauliflower usually cooks best if you first cover it with aluminum foil for about the first 5–10 minutes of cooking, then flip pieces over and cook another 5 or so until done.