Coconut Crispy Treats

A unique take on a family favorite. The pepitas puff up when toasted and give a nice crunch to each bite.
Yields: 9 crispy treats


2 c. pepitas

1 c. sliced almonds

1 c. large unsweetened coconut flakes

Marshmallow Cream:

¼ c. raw honey

¼ c. organic coconut sugar

½ t. sea salt

¼ c. filtered water

1 T. grass-fed gelatin

1 T. coconut or vanilla extract

1 c. unsweetened coconut flakes

1 T. organic virgin coconut oil, for greasing


Prepare the crispies: preheat oven to 350F. Place pepitas and sliced almonds on a dry half sheet pan. Cook for 10 minutes. Remove pan, toss in coconut flakes, and cook for another 5-10 minutes, or until coconut begins to brown. Remove from oven, transfer to a bowl and allow to cool. Place separate 1 cup of coconut flakes on the sheet pan and cook for 5-10 minutes or until lightly browned. Set aside in a separate bowl for garnishing later.

While the crispies are roasting, prepare marshmallow cream. Place honey, coconut sugar, and salt in a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat until mixture reaches 240F on a candy thermometer.

While mixture is cooking, place water and gelatin in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Sprinkle gelatin over the water to dissolve.

Once honey mixture reaches 240F, turn on mixer to low speed and drizzle the hot mixture into the side of the stand mixer bowl, careful not to splash it. Once all of the hot mixture is mixed into the gelatin, turn the mixer up to medium speed for 1-2 minutes. Then move the speed to high and mix another 1-2 minutes, or until the mixture is fluffy and has doubled in volume. Add the coconut extract and whip 30 seconds to combine.

Remove the bowl from the stand mixer and mix in the dry crispies, stirring well. Pour the mixture into an 8×8” pan that’s been greased with coconut oil. Press the mixture evenly into the pan and sprinkle with reserved toasted coconut flakes.

Allow to set for 4+ hours before slicing and serving. You can serve before this, but they will be a bit gooey (not always a bad thing)!