MAKES 10–12 CUPS/2400–2840 ML

Although the heads and feet are listed as optional, I highly recommend that you include them when making broth, as these are the most gelatinous parts of the animal. Chicken skin is rich in collagen, and also a great addition to broth.

If you don’t have all the vegetables on hand, just skip them. Each adds more depth and flavor to broth, but no one vegetable is necessary. The only three ingredients that are necessary are the bones, water and vinegar!


3 lbs/1 kg chicken pieces (carcass, including necks and backs)

2 chicken heads (optional)

4 chicken feet (optional)

1 leek, cut into several pieces (white and green parts)

1 large onion quartered

2 carrots, peeled and cut in half

2 ribs celery, cut in half

2 bay leaves

10 sprigs parsley

8–12 cups/2–3 L filtered water

1 tbsp/15 ml apple cider vinegar


Place the bones, chicken heads and feet (if using) in the slow cooker. Add the vegetables, bay leaves, water and apple cider vinegar. Cook on low for 10–12 hours. Remove all vegetables and bones and put broth through a strainer. Refrigerate overnight. The fat will have solidified at the top by the next day. Remove fat and discard or reserve for another use. Discard bay leaves. Refrigerate broth and use within a few days or freeze.


Make broth using a whole chicken. Allow broth to cool, remove meat from the carcass and use it for chicken salad or casseroles.