Free paleo recipes

Thanksgiving Burgers

1 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil

ВЅ cup minced celery

ВЅ cup finely diced onion

ВЅ cup finely diced button mushrooms

Вј cup chicken stock, steaming hot

ВЅ teaspoon poultry seasoning

ВЅ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Вј teaspoon salt

1 pound ground pork sausage

1 pound ground turkey

ВЅ cup finely diced peeled Granny Smith apple (about ВЅ medium apple)

Вј cup minced fresh parsley

1 large egg

  1. Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
  2. Melt the ghee over medium heat in a medium-size skillet and sautГ© the celery, onions and mushrooms for about 4 minutes, or until soft.
  3. Add the chicken stock, poultry seasoning, pepper and salt. Remove from the heat and stir, combining well.
  4. Transfer the vegetable mixture to a large bowl and allow to cool.
  5. Add the pork, turkey, apples, parsley and egg to the vegetable mixture and mix well. Form into patties of equal size.
  6. Grill the patties for about 6 minutes per side, or until cooked through.